About us


Architecture is the Mother of all Arts and Science

The inter connection of Architecture and the society can be tracked

to some extent through our history.Cloth is the second skin of our body,

while Shelter or Building is the Third Skin of Humans”

Architecture is more than just buildings, it is a spiritual exploration of how it relates to its environment, climate, nature, and above all, society. This interconnection of architecture and society can be clearly tracked through our history. If you look at each house, if you take each building, every human being who comes out of it behaves in a different way. The architecture of a house plays an important part in shaping the mentality of a person. Architecture has no time, space, or boundaries. It is an amalgamation of many varieties. Man can choose from any of these varieties and can shape his style of architecture.

Archnest is a journey that explores what architecture is, and how it has grown through the ages.  It is a journey in search of the depth, breadth, and development of the art of a building. Archnest aims to make a definite change in this world, and the change is imparted to bring a positive change to society. The success of Archnest is the dedication of those who work behind it. There is no caste, religion, class, or political influence. Knowledge is the only thing that bounds the people of Archnest. Team Archnest publishes articles and projects by giving due importance to each person and the field they represent. Similarly, building materials, other products, plumbing, electrical, interior decoration, landscaping, techniques related to building construction, decorative materials, law, and all related information related to this field are covered.



Deepa P Menon

Deepa P Menon has been working in the field of journalism for the last 16 years. She was the chief sub-editor of Designer+Builder, the first architecture Magazine in Malayalam, specializing in architecture journalism. The initiative ‘www.archnest.in’ is motivated by working closely with all aspects of the construction sector, such as architecture, interior designing, architecture colleges, products and services technologies in the building sector, and familiarity with professional people in the respective fields. Under the pen name Aruni, she has written several articles on traditional structures, forts, etc. in Kerala. Educational qualification is Post Graduation in Literature (Sree Shankaracharya University of Sanskrit Kaladi) and PG Diploma in Journalism (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan)

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